
Hard to Kill

According to legend, what man survived a single assassination attempt on 12/16/1916 that included being poisoned with cyanide, shot 4 times, viciously clubbed, tied-up and thrown into the icy Neva river, only to escape his bonds, but drown trying to reach the shore of river?


One Small Question

What famous quote was uttered on July 20, 1969?


July 14th is the anniversary of the storming of what building that started what civil war?


Lock, Stock, and Pork Barrels

What publicly-traded company has the stock ticker symbol HOG?


A Star Spangled Question

What is the war that is referenced in "The Star Spangled Banner"?


Money Problem

The name of what currency comes from the German word "Thaler" meaning valley?


Really Cold Question

Americans might not know that 30°C is pretty hot, but why should Americans know exactly how cold -40°C is?

hint: it's not the freezing point or boiling point of anything important to this question and it's not the coldest point any place has reached.