
I Would Never Have 2 Rudolph Questions In A Row!

What Christmas song, written by Irving Berlin, is arguably the best selling single in history with over 50 million copies sold worldwide?

(seriously, it is not Rudolph)


Olive, the Other Reindeer

"Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" was created as a holiday promotion for what department store chain?


It's Not What You Think, Officer!

If your hobby involves staring at boobies and titmice, what are you doing?

Leavin' On a Jet Plane

In a Jet Plane, it's called Jet Fuel, what is it called when its on the ground (e.g. used in lanterns or stoves)?

(note: it is not called ground fuel)



What company's Stock Ticker symbol is MMM?


Public Speaking

picture is unrelated

Who gave what famous speech on November 19th, 7 score and 7 years ago (and how long ago was that)?

(You'll need the name, the title, and the time span)


Exploratory Question

What missing explorer did Henry M Stanley presumably find alive near Lake Tanganyika in Tanzania on 11/10/1871?


Election Day

Tuesday November 2nd is election day in the U.S. Why won't election day ever be on November 1st?

Happy Halloween (a bit late)

Before pumpkins were the Jack-O-Lantern medium of choice, what bulbous root vegetable did the Irish use to carve them from?


Baseball question

(answer is not pictured)
In 1969, the height of what was lowered from 15" to 10"?


No Balongna!

What town in Italy was Leonardo da Vinci from?



Also a Good Halloween Disguise

What 20th century terrorist's nickname came, not from working alone, but from the fact that he targeted Universities and Airlines?


It'll Be A Hot Time In The Old Town Tonight!

According to legend, who or what started the great Chicago fire of October 8th, 1871?

(It wasn't Billy Joel)



Separate beds? Then how did these two have a baby? (not the right answer, btw) 

What 1960's TV couple tore a page right out of history when they were the first man and woman to be shown in the same bed together on screen?

(Hint, the time period of the show was not contemporaneous with the time period the show was aired)


Pie in the Sky

What kind of pie was supposedly invented in the 1930s by the wife of a Karo® Corn Syrup Executive?


No Man is an Island

What group of islands in the pacific ocean constitutes the most geographically isolated poplulated place on earth, with its nearest neighbors all being more than 2,000 miles away?


10-4 Good Buddy

What does the C.B. in C.B. Radio stand for?


Yeah, It's Kind Of A Riddle, But Get Over It.

What city is both 140 miles north of Seattle, WA, 
160 miles south of Seattle, WA?



A Musical Question

In the musical "The King and I," what is the name of the country that the king is the king of?


The Dots Keep Marching 1 By 1, Hurrah, Hurrah.

Designating a single point in a raster image (aka bitmap, aka continuos-tone image), the word "pixel" is a shortened version of what 2 word phrase?


A Who's Who Kind of Question

Name an example of someone who uses (or used) a nom de plume?
(hint: your answer will have 2 parts)


Another Flag Question

What state flag features Ursa Minor and Polaris?


Hard to Kill

According to legend, what man survived a single assassination attempt on 12/16/1916 that included being poisoned with cyanide, shot 4 times, viciously clubbed, tied-up and thrown into the icy Neva river, only to escape his bonds, but drown trying to reach the shore of river?


One Small Question

What famous quote was uttered on July 20, 1969?


July 14th is the anniversary of the storming of what building that started what civil war?


Lock, Stock, and Pork Barrels

What publicly-traded company has the stock ticker symbol HOG?


A Star Spangled Question

What is the war that is referenced in "The Star Spangled Banner"?


Money Problem

The name of what currency comes from the German word "Thaler" meaning valley?


Really Cold Question

Americans might not know that 30°C is pretty hot, but why should Americans know exactly how cold -40°C is?

hint: it's not the freezing point or boiling point of anything important to this question and it's not the coldest point any place has reached. 


Intercontinental Metropolis

What is the only major city that is situated on 2 continents?

Hint: it used to have a different name. 
Hint: that other name used to have a different name, too.


State of the Union

What is the only U.S. State with a one-syllable name?


Question of the Centennial

"Nil sine numine"* is the official state motto of what Spanish-named U.S. State?
(hint its state capitol is named for a Kansas governor)

*Latin for "Nothing without the Deity (God)" sometimes translated as "nothing without providence." 


A Toothsome Question

What flower got is name because the French thought its leaves look like lion's teeth?


Memorial Day

What red flower has been associated with Memorial Day since 1915?


The Study of What?

What is the more common name for an otolaryngologist?


Nurses' Day May 12 (This Post Is A Little Late)

Who was dubbed "The Lady of the Lamp" for her care of wounded soldiers during the Crimean War?


Sweater? I Hardly Know 'er!

Angora wool comes from the coat of what furry animal?


What Continental European Country's name means "Land of Rabbits"?


Día de la Independencia Mexicano

On what date do Mexicans celebrate their Independence from Spain?


Do we have Clearance, Clarence? Roger, Roger!

What English-language term that pilots use, and shares its name with a spring holiday, comes from the French "M'Aider"?


[INTER]National Hockey League

(neither of these 2 teams)

What are the 6 teams of the "Original Six" era of the National Hockey Legue?


It's not "Cool Beans Groovy Baby"

What do the initials of the legendary punk rock venue CBGB stand for?
(hint: it stands for the 3 types of music that the club originally intended to showcase)


Ask Captain Kirk

What substance do you get if you mix Charcoal, Sulphur, and Saltpeter (potash)?